Sevimli (2015) The effects of aquatic, isometric strength-stretching and aerobic exercise on physical and psychological parameters of female patients with fibromyalgia syndrome

Summary: Aquatic Aerobic Exercise Program in Fibromyalgia Treatment


This study investigates the “Aquatic Aerobic Exercise Benefits” on female patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS).


The aim was to examine the effects of an aquatic aerobic exercise program on FMS patients, specifically targeting physical and psychological aspects.


Seventy-five female FMS patients participated, divided into three groups: a home-based Isometric Strength and Stretching Exercise Program (ISSEP), a gym-based Aerobic Exercise Program (AEP), and a pool-based Aquatic Aerobic Exercise Program (AAEP). Over three months, they underwent exercises tailored to their group, with outcomes measured using various scales like the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).


Initially, all groups showed similar tender points and questionnaire responses. Post-treatment, the AAEP group demonstrated the most significant improvement in physical functioning, pain, vitality, social and emotional roles, and mental health scores. The AEP and AAEP groups showed substantial improvements in reducing pain, anxiety, and enhancing sleep quality, compared to ISSEP.


The study concludes that aquatic aerobic exercises offer considerable “Aquatic Aerobic Exercise Benefits” in treating FMS. This approach was more effective than ISSEP in improving various symptoms of FMS, including pain, mental health, and overall quality of life.

Keyphrase: Aquatic Aerobic Exercise Benefits

Keywords: Fibromyalgia, Aquatic Exercise, Aerobic Exercise, Pain Management, Mental Health


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