These are challenging times that cause us to adjust our assumptions. Letting go of the assumption that we are safe, realising that every human being is vulnerable. Nobody is free of risk.
We hope this will pass but realise hope is not a strategy.
So what about EWAC Medical? These unusual times ask for unusual measures. The main thing is that our company is still open, production running at full swing. We are keeping our obligations to our clients, as our clients are remaining faithful to us. And this is all thanks to a crack team of production workers who are not letting down, keeping up their work and at the same time obeying the strict (social) hygiene measures. It is to them that we have to say a big thank you.

At the same time, most of our office personnel is working form home. There they have the same resources as at work, so if you need to speak to our sales people you can just call them as usual. Same thing goes for our engineers whom are still working on new projects from their home offices. We are Open for Business, facing unusual circumstances.
In this moment, everybody will have their own story to tell. Facing our struggles dead on, doing what we can to make the outcome as favourable as we can. Most importantly, we have to take care of our own health and the health of our families. What is value if there is no-one to share it with?
This virus will come to pass and by then we should be ready. Ready to reboot the economy and our businesses as quickly and efficiently as we can, reducing the damaging effects to an absolute minimum. This is how generations before us have survived. This is how we will.
On behalf of the entire EWAC Medical team, I wish you and your family to be healthy and safe. I hope that your businesses will recover quickly after this is over. In the mean time our team will be there to support you in any way we can. You can count on us.
Kind regards,
Eric Legdeur
EWAC Medical
Download this newsletter: CoViD-19, business as (un)usual