Message from the front line: Exclusive interview about Aquatic Therapy in Corona times
Today we are very happy to see that Aquatic Rehabilitation is still going strong even though the circumstances are harder than before. Our friends …
Message from the front line: Exclusive interview about Aquatic Therapy in Corona times
Today we are very happy to see that Aquatic Rehabilitation is still going strong even though the circumstances are harder than before. Our friends …
New IATF COVID-19 guideline statement published
On May 31, our friends at IATF (International Aquatic Therapy Foundation) came with a guideline statement with regards to hygienic pool safety in times …
Guidelines IOAPT practise Aquatic Therapy in Corona times
We have seen some trepidation in the re-opening of Aquatic Therapy facilities with our clients during the last few months. A very understandable reaction …
Another fully integrated Modular Pool delivered!
Some good news in these strange times! For our client in Qatar we have built this fully equipped modular pool. Size 3,6 by 6,5 …
We support our heroes
In these unprecedented times the best in humanity comes forward to battle the coronavirus. Improbable heroes, normally carrying out their work in silence, are …
Recap: Keep your pool safe and Healthy
As we have mentioned in our previous post, titled "Keep your pool safe and Healthy", more detailed information has become available form a larger …
Keep your pool safe and healthy
Practicing our slogan 'We get you moving' is complicated these days due to the corona pandemic CoViD-19. Everywhere in the world governments, organisations and …
CoViD-19, business as (un)usual
These are challenging times that cause us to adjust our assumptions. Letting go of the assumption that we are safe, realising that every human …