Swimitation - Aqua Pilates bath XL

Aqua Pilates bath XL

Transform your fitness and wellness journey with Aqua Pilates Bath XL by EWAC Medical. Welcome to a new era of aquatic therapy, where innovation meets …

Tallulah-Honey Wyard (2024) A Survey of Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy on Improving Patient Mobility Compared to On-Land Interventions

The research dissertation by Tallulah-Honey Wyard focuses on exploring healthcare professionals' perceptions of hydrotherapy's effectiveness in improving patient mobility compared to land-based interventions. The …

Diamantoula (2016) Aqua Pilates versus Land Pilates: Physical Fitness Outcomes

Study Overview: This study delves into the comparative effects of Aqua Pilates and Land Pilates on various physical fitness parameters, including body composition, muscle endurance, …

Vécseyné Kovách (2013) Effects of Pilates and aqua fitness training on older adults’ physical functioning and quality of life

Introduction The study by Vécseyné Kovách et al. explores the impact of Pilates and aqua fitness training on the functional fitness and quality of life …

Gandomi (2022) The efect of Aqua Stretching exercises and Pilates on pain, function and spine posture in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a randomized controlled trial

Introduction The study by Gandomi et al. examines the effects of Aqua Stretching and Aqua Pilates exercises on individuals with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), focusing on …

Bagherzadeh-Rahmani (2023) Eight Weeks of Pilates Training Improves Respiratory Measures in People With a History of COVID-19: A Preliminary Study

Introduction The study conducted by Bagherzadeh-Rahmani et al. focuses on the effects of an eight-week Pilates training program on respiratory function and quality of life …

The Bad Ragaz Ring Method (Gamper & Lambeck 2010)

This document was published as chapter 4 in Comprehensive Aquatic Therapy 3rd edition (2010) edited by Bruce E. Becker and Andrew J. Cole. The book …

Freitas (2012). Psychomotor evaluation and intervention in ASD (Portuguese)

This article presents a literature review of three major areas addressed and developedduring the study, respectively, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), psychomotricity andaquatic environment.Due to …

Waller (2013) Effects of a progressive aquatic resistance exercise program on the biochemical composition and morphology of cartilage in women with mild knee osteoarthritis: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Introduction to Aquatic Resistance Exercise Research This study aims to investigate the effects of an aquatic resistance exercise program on the biochemical composition and morphology …